Christian aus/from: from Schmölln | Signed on: Wed Aug 22 15:40:25 2007 -------------------------------------------Mein Beileid! RIP |
Pudding/INROAD aus/from: from Grimma
| Signed on: Wed Aug 22 15:15:20 2007 -------------------------------------------Danke das wir dich gekannt haben, Danke das was du gemacht hast und Danke für jeden Auftritt den wir miterleben durften! Unser tiefstes Mitgefühl und Beileid für deine Familie, Freunde und deine drei weggefährten! Inroad Grimma |
ben | Signed on: Wed Aug 22 14:24:28 2007 -------------------------------------------reiti hat das ajz leisnig mit aufgebaut und sehr viel für die scene gemacht! uns fehlen noch die passenden worte unser mitgefühl auszusprechen. von uns dem ajz leisnig das tiefste mitgefühl und beileid an seine familie, Steven,Maik,Rico, verwande und freunde. R.I.P. ben |
fisch aus/from: from down under
| Signed on: Wed Aug 22 13:03:02 2007 -------------------------------------------I'll never forget you mate fisch |
Wane aus/from: from China-Wuhan
| Signed on: Wed Aug 22 12:21:24 2007 -------------------------------------------Right now I'm in the beautiful seaside for holiday, I clearly remember that last time I was in the seaside, I was with THE4SIVITS... We're in the park, having fun like 8-years-old kids...It's just like happening on yesterday... I still clearly remember the first moments when I entered your room in Guangzhou, the first person I saw in the band was Mirko..He is funny, good-temper, always smile, hard on the stage, childish sometimes in daily life..He always think of other people, and would like to share his joys and confusions with them. I still remember one day when we were talking in hostel...He suddenly interruped me and said, Wane, you smoke too much.. And i thought it's because you smoke too much, so you can notice that... In Zhuhai, Mirko gave me 200yuan to print 20 pieces of the poster of the4sivits china tour..but you didn't take them because they're too heavy..I was intended to ask other band taking them back to Europe in September, but now, everytime when I see them in the corner of my house, I felt sad... Thank you for choosing me to organiser your China tour, which is the only thing can comfort me now... I don't know if I did a good job or not, but I really hope it could give you good memories in the last 3 months of your life. Life is short and cruel.. I can understand your choice to die when you're die when you can still playing hardcore music.. It's sad to end this message, but the memory of you in my mind will not end... Rest in Peace, my dear friend... Wane from China |
chris | Signed on: Wed Aug 22 12:19:17 2007 -------------------------------------------unser aufrichtiges beileid an alle, die mirko kannten. christoph/The Dead |
HUPE aus/from: from berlin | Signed on: Wed Aug 22 11:57:27 2007 -------------------------------------------Nur wer vergessen wird, ist tot. Du wirst leben alta! RIP |
Ben in china aus/from: from wuhan "china"
| Signed on: Wed Aug 22 11:55:18 2007 -------------------------------------------i just meet mirko and other 4sivits for 4-5 days in china but i will always remember those days... life is so strange really... i have strange feelings about this... i can t consider mirko as a good friend because i just meet him some days but i feel really sad because those days were full of fun, smile and i really enjoy with mirko and the band... i will never forget this ! sorry, my english is not good enough to express my feelings... RIP ben |
dave & rolle | Signed on: Wed Aug 22 11:35:12 2007 -------------------------------------------reiti wird uns fehlen, er hinterlässt eine lücke, die nicht geschlossen werden kann, er würd uns immer als ein herzensguter und aufrichter , lieber freund in erinnerung bleiben, für immer. wir hoffen, das seine Familie, seine Freunde, vor allem Rico, Zippel, Maik und alle anderen die ihn kannten und das glück hatten ihn zum freund zu haben, die kraft finden werden, um nach vorn zu schauen. Reiti machs gut, wir werden dich nie vergessen
Flobreaker aus/from: from Potsdam | Signed on: Wed Aug 22 11:15:25 2007 -------------------------------------------Aufrichtige Anteilnahme und Beileid von CHAINBREAKER aus Potsdam! |