tonny aus/from: from china guiyang
 | Signed on: Mon Sep 10 06:40:04 2007 -------------------------------------------rember us??emily and tonny!the4sivits before go to our house ,we have a good night~~you guys are so good guys~~~we are so giref and so can't belvie ~~reiti is go~~~but that is true~~don't forget us ,REITI~~we miss you |
EMILY aus/from: from china guiyang
  | Signed on: Mon Sep 10 06:16:19 2007 -------------------------------------------whennever what happen!we miss you!!!and we can not beliver!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
Wolf aus/from: from Malaysia
  | Signed on: Sun Sep 9 19:08:13 2007 -------------------------------------------I keep thinking back to running around with you guys all over Bangkok... it seems like yesterday man.... Losing a brother is never easy, so i hope the rst of you guys are holding up ok.... ...and "reiti".... dude... you will be missed.... |
Kelly Schnetz aus/from: from Den Haag, Nederland | Signed on: Sun Sep 9 16:21:30 2007 -------------------------------------------Very sorry to hear about the loss. I have seen the 4Sivits a couple of times and remember Mirko also. I hope friends and family will be able to cope with this loss and wish them all the best! RIP |
Pic LE/GC aus/from: from Cafe Taktlos | Signed on: Sat Sep 8 19:43:51 2007 -------------------------------------------Glücklich Breiti gekannt zu haben, tief bewegt in den Erinnerungen und entschlossen sein Andenken immer zu erhalten. Kraft für Alle diesen Verlust zu überwinden. |
Davor aus/from: from Slovenj Gradec, Sloveia
 | Signed on: Sat Sep 8 11:32:38 2007 -------------------------------------------We will NEVER forget you! We will NEVER forget you! We will NEVER forget you! We will NEVER forget you! Mirko R.I.P.
| aus/from: from slovenia
  | Signed on: Sat Sep 8 11:15:29 2007 -------------------------------------------Unser Beileid an alle Bandmitglieder Freunde und Familie |
wei aus/from: from Guangzhou city of China
  | Signed on: Sat Sep 8 02:13:54 2007 -------------------------------------------I'm very sad,I wish you happiness in paradise... |
Schreppi | Signed on: Fri Sep 7 14:05:03 2007 -------------------------------------------Nur wer vergessen wird , ist Tot . Mein aufrichtiges Beileid und Mitgefühl an die Familie und Freunde . R.I.P. Reiti |
 | Signed on: Fri Sep 7 09:47:46 2007 -------------------------------------------i've got to know bad news today, realy sorry hope that everything will be ok r.i.p. |