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Mirko "Reiti"

24.07.1976 - 15.08.2007



Sommer-Tour @ Europa 2006

So, 09.07.06 Bilgoraj (Polen) 

Auf ging es in der Früh um pünktlich anzukommen, denn das Konzi sollte schon am frühen Abend stattfinden. Leider machte eine fehlende bzw. für uns Deutsche irritierende Ausschilderung dem Vorhaben einen Strich durch die Rechnung. Ein kleiner Schock erlitt uns bei der Ankunft. Stadtfest-Stimmung verbreitend hatten sich wahrscheinlich alle Einwohner von Bilgoraj vor einer kleinen, mit weiß-rotem Absperrband "abgeschirmten" OpenAir-"Bühne" hingesetzt und erwarteten sehnsüchtig??? die deutschen Assis. Etwas unerfahren mit derartigen Situationen meisterten wir den Auftritt und erhielten artigen Beifall. Sicherlich wird der Veranstalter ein paar Hinweise zu den Bands fürs nächste Jahr bekommen ;).

Anschließend gabs Pizza und 'ne Endspiel-Klatsche für Frankreich. Letzteres mußte mensch zwangsläufig miterleben, wenn er seine Hunger stillen wollte. Weiter gings in eine Designer-Punk-Neubau-Bude ohne großes Mobiliar. Der Einzige der noch feiern  konnte war Zippel und das ausgiebig mit dem anwesendem heimischen Pöbel, der Rest fiel halbtod ins Bett.

Perfect day!
Written by Tada on 2006-08-05 14:29:55
I woke up early that day... I had that strange feeling in my stomach.. kinda butterflys! :) I knew that The4Sivits are comming today in Slovenj Gradec!!! So, early that day Mico and I went to buy some things.. (drinks, food..) and there were other things to do.. at 16h we were already in MKC, couse the "sound master" arrived.. he stardet to putting his speakers and stuf on the stage, meanwhile we`re waiting for Final Approach and Growing Rats... jp, they arrived at 7 o`clock and they bring lots of friends from Krsko (thanks again!!).. It was all set, than I we Mico and I went to wait for T4S on the road.. we`re waiting and talking about the tonights concert (you can`t imagine how happy we were, hehe!) and than! Boys from Germany arrived!! VW transporter (long version, hehe) parked, but no,no.. guys!! there was still a road to drive (to MKC.. only cca. 4 minutes.. heh), when we finnaly parked infront of MKC!! I was quite surpised when we came back, couse so many people showed up! Ok, many people for a small town like Slowenj Gradec! ... well, t4s were there!! we`re all happy! I talked a few words with them, but I gotta admit.. at first I was kinda nervous.. :) But latter that night I lost that nervous feeling couse guys are realy nice, talkative.. and ofcouse funny!! :) well, now that all bands were here, show started! Bojlers, local band played first and I was allredy getting the feeling, that this koncert will be a blast!!! we`re playing second.. can`t describe it!! Great!!! then Growong rats showed up on the stage!! young guys grom Krsko approved once again that they kick ass!! After G.R. it was time for Final Approach!! Fast oldskul hardcore/punk band, also from Krsko!! Damn, they`re so good!!! and then.. finally !!! The 4 Sivits... I was watching them when they were prepareing on the stage.. when suddelny Mijagi (he was drunk..!!) aksed Maik if he can play his guitar.. Dude, Mijagi, that was not cool!!! :) The show began!!!! All kids were gattered to mosh, jump, shout, along wiht the 4 Sivits!!! and it was like that!!! there are no words to describe how perfect it was.. you should be there! their show was so positive (like always), full of energy and surprises! :) Once again guys, thanks for that oldskull sleeveless T4S jacket!!! :)) After the show Teja (Mico`s girl..) and I went to heat up the food, when we came back it was time for a dinner.. after the dinner it was also a time for .. FOOTBALL!!! well, not a real one! Mirko and Steven were shooting small ball (maybe it wasnt a ball??) and it the purpouse was one! To have a good time!!! :) Then it was time for bed.. Man, Rico... I love that bed you took out of the bag... :)) !!! I`m sure its confortable!! I was getting real tired and than I fall asleep... Tomorrow after the breakfast guys started to pack their stuff and after we say goodbye then left MKC .. they were on the way to Italy.. 
So many great things happened that day.. but its not easy to describe.. Come back soon guys, I hope there will be another chance soon to visit our small town!!! And thanks again for all!!!  
Written by Gast on 2006-08-12 21:11:56
4 sivits thank you to coming in slovenj gradec. it vas a great show.

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